ccr cispes foia


If you're an American citizen, you have the right to access information from the government, including federal agencies. This right is governed by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which was enacted in 1966. The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) have been working together to ensure that everyone knows their rights under FOIA and can exercise them effectively.
Simply put, FOIA allows you to request information from any federal agency, and they are required to provide it to you, unless it falls under one of the nine exemptions. The information can be anything from emails and memos to reports and contracts. You can use this information for research, journalism, or simply to satisfy your curiosity.


1. How do I make a FOIA request?

To make a FOIA request, you need to identify the agency that has the information you want. You can find the contact information for the FOIA officer on the agency's website. Then, you need to submit a written request, either on paper or via email. Your request should be as specific as possible, so the agency knows exactly what information you're looking for.

2. How long does it take to get a response?

The agency has 20 business days to respond to your request. They may extend this deadline by up to 10 business days if they need to gather more information or consult with other agencies. If your request is complex or involves a large amount of information, it may take longer to process.

3. What if my request is denied?

If your request is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. You can also file a lawsuit against the agency in federal court. However, it's important to note that some exemptions to FOIA are very broad, and the agency may be within its rights to withhold certain information.


CCR and CISPES are committed to promoting transparency and accountability in government, and FOIA is a powerful tool for achieving these goals. By understanding your rights under FOIA and making effective requests, you can help hold the government accountable and ensure that the public has access to important information.